Funny I am tagged two days in a row. First by Rowena and now by
Judith in Umbria, a fellow ex-pat. Here are the instructions for this Meme, translated from
il cavoletto di bruxelles.
1) Show us your kitchen ( a picture) and tell us what is it about this place that reflects your own personality.
2) Open a cupboard (the one you feel to open), take a picture and tell us what we see.
3) Present us your favorite kitchen-based electrodomestic tool.
4) Take out the ingredients you like the most, the ones you always keep stored.
5) My little steel friend: present us to your favorite cooking/baking recipient.

This is my kitchen, after dinner no less, when it is the most "used". It's long and narrow but not too small. I would love more counter space but so far has served me well. We have a microwave, a dishwasher and a stove. What more could I ask for? I would not say that this kitchen suits my personality, it is an apartment kitchen and I would love a grand country kitchen, like Judith's! Check hers out it is fab. Since I spend most of my time in the kitchen, it makes sense for it to be the biggest room in the house. We made due with the space but someday I hope to design my dream kitchen.

This is the second part of our kitchen, next to the fridge and behind the door. I love having a door to the kitchen since I can close it instead of smoking up the house. The bakers rack was a great way to store all our pots, pans and bakeware. One of the great things about it is that we can take it away with us when we move. Notice how we stock up on water like a typhoon is looming. I really hate buying water and lugging it out of the car, in the elevator and into the kitchen, so we hoard.

This is my favorite electric item, it's a food processor, a mixer and a blender all in one; basically it replaces three appliances. The motor is not as powerful as our old Kitchen Aid but it's sufficient.

Here are the items I cannot live without: English Breakfast tea, honey, red rooster hot sauce, chili flakes, vinegars, oils, soy sauce, salt and pepper. If I were stuck on a deserted island, I could probably rustle up some lizards to eat but for me to enjoy them, I'll need a Guamanian finadene sauce, made with chilis, soy sauce and vinegar or lemon juice, hence all the essential condiments.

Here's a look in to my OCD cabinets, all canisters are labeled with my label maker. Yes, I am a freak and I know it. I've got things categorized. Whole wheat bread crumbs, semolina, potato flour, flour tipo "00", don't let me go on. I know I am sick! I will seek professional help if it gets worse. Ha! Ha!

This is my favorite pan. I love my wok but it does not have grill marks on it. This All Clad grill is awesome and the handle stays cool. It's non-stick, a real breeze to clean up.
What a fun Meme! Thanks Judith for including me. Shall I tag you for the 23rd and 5th Meme?