A Few More Good Things

When Deme came home last night he said he got me a present. A bottle of Chanel #5 perfume (I''m not very fond of this fragrance but he likes it), a bag full of American cooking magazines, a bunch of office supplies from Office Depot and other misc. items from Seattle as well as a gift card to purchase I-Tunes off the internet. The card and the gift card were both in my favorite color so I was was more than excited. Also he knew that I was helping a friend make a few CD's for a party he's planning on giving. "Great!" I thought, I'm as happy as a clam.

It's the new I-Pod Nano, 2 GB, enough for 500 songs and light as a feather. I made a promise to really jump start me running program with this little baby and today I ran for 34 minutes.
Sweet husband! It is deeply adorable, as is the sexy black one I am bringing home for my sweet husband. How odd....2 Torino spouses go to the U.S. and come home with nano's for their innamorati. We should be in a commercial!
YOU GOT A NANO-POD! I'm so jealous. Once they drop in price I'm buying one. Enjoy ...
And your favorite color is florescent green? that's a first.
nice! he's sneaky!!
-34 mins? good job- when you go running do you wear an american sweat suit? :) i bet italians just love that hehe
I'm so jealous! My brother mentioned getting me an ipod for my bday and my parents were like NO WAY TED! It's too expensive, so now I have to wait till Christmas to have one. Though I did make out with one fun thing..a 5month subscription to Netflix. Can't wait to start getting my videos by mail!
Nano Pod...whew! That is definitely a lot of music to run with :). I normally don't run with anything. I run to clear my head, which generally requires me to do it without music.
P.S. - LOVE the flicker photos. Spent most of the morning looking at them. Beautiful.
Thanks H, I am working on more in the darkroom. I think I am lucky to have a thoughtful hubby, also he wants me to start running again with him and I think that was part of his incentive. Ha ha!
Lucky you! My husband is coming home from a business trip to Japan & Taiwan tomorrow and I don't think that I'm going to get a Nano. Enjoy it!
What I want is a string quartet in the garden that will play when I flash the cats' laser pointer at them. Otherwise I want to hear the cuckoo calling. But it is super to get unexpected presents.
Did you look at the fotos of the GTG? Don't you wish you were there? WE talked about you a bit. Those who know Torino agreed it is one of the most unfriendly cities in Italy-- actually no one could think of one unfriendlier! The comments were from the Italians in our group.
Yay! New toys! :) That's a great gift -- I'm totally addicted to my ipod. Hope you're doing well!
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