Warm and Fuzzy
I got up incredibly late today. Deme went to visit my old cat at my sister’s house last night and sent me a text message that he had arrived. I woke up inexplicably and checked my text messages, then asked him to call me. It was 5 a.m. of course I could not get back to bed.
When I finally heaved myself out of bed, it was 11 a.m. I immediately set out to start some water for tea as well as switch on my laptop. I was elated to see all the comments on my blog as well as a few thoughtful e-mails in my box. A warm and fuzzy feeling took me over. Thank you everyone for the comments and e-mails. Alan in Hawaii received my package and blogged it. Meladie, a long time friend and co-worker of my husband, sent me a sweet comment. Now I just have to get her e-mail address from Deme so I can send her a note.
I am a warm person, the first one to help you move, to come and clean your house if you are sick, pick up groceries, cook for you if you need it, help with laundry, come over for a Fall rake the leaves party, lend an ear if you need to unload, all of this just because I want to hang out with you. I have lots of time, if not today then tomorrow but my life does not center on things or activities, it centers on people. Part of the reason I’ve been feeling lonely is that it’s been hard to make friends.
When I talk to people on the street, they often don’t talk back. I had to be coaxed not to talk to too many people in Seattle because I would not get my errands done.
When I give my number out, no one calls. “When I say here’s my number, call me.” I really mean it, don’t worry about bothering me, I want to hear from you.
When I say “let’s have coffee” I mean soon, not in 3 months. Don’t say it just to be nice, say it if you really mean it.
Many people value their personal time, as do I, but if I stay stop on over, then go ahead, call ahead but feel free. I can tidy up and freshen up in 5 min flat.
Come over for a movie, coffee, a quick visit, tea, a short walk, a bite to eat, to borrow a book, anything…..I don’t want anything from you, don’t need to borrow money, don’t need transportation, just some good quality companionship. Don’t be suspicious. We can meet in a public place, no worries.
Yesterday I called no less than 15 English schools in Torino. I was offering myself as a tutor, free of charge to anyone who wanted to practice English, learn about American idioms, work on their pronunciation etc… Only three took my number. All the others said, “Sorry we do not offer that service to our students.” What!! Free practice with a native speaker, no cost. What a strange reaction! I am willing to travel to the school too. See why I am having a hard time?
All the warm, fuzzy vibes coming from the Internet is making up for the chill here. Thank you everyone.
P.S. I know that I am getting a few Spammers but as long at it’s only 2-3 a week, I will keep the word verification off, since I think it slows things down.