Ostia Antica
There have been no posts for a few days because we ran off to Rome for a long weekend. Some old friends of DemetrioÂs flew in from Luxembourg to pay Rome a short visit. After a horrendous night of baggage delays, we finally retrieved them at 1:30 a.m. The next day was a bit more relaxing as we toured Ostia Antica, an ancient Roman harbor city.

Many rooms were tiled with elaboratemosaicss that have survived since about 1000 B.C. Notice the yellow tarp that is used to cover the tiles during especially bad weather.

The giant maritime pines that dot Ostia as well as many other parts of Italy, the most notable is the Appian Way, are the producers of the pine nuts that are used in making pesto. I picked up a few fallen pine cones but could not crack them and thus did not get to see the pine nut in its natural state.

Here tour guide D'Ambrosi, points out the necropolis in the background.

A headless statue that did not survive either time, weather or vandals.
I'm putting Ostia Antica on my list of places to visit. ;-)
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