Growing up on an island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, which happens to also be an American territory, did not shield me in anyway from Thanksgiving. I made a paper plate turkey in the first grade complete a candy corn beak, I learned about the pilgrims and the Indians, I even tried to make a turkey I high school. Needless to say, it was a sad attempt. My dad hated turkey and kept commenting over the years that it was always so dry. I pretty much agreed until I moved to Seattle.
Going to college, working for great families as a nanny and not having my parents in Seattle, I was often invited to Thanksgiving dinners that opened my eyes to the warmth this holiday radiated as well as the wonders of moist turkey, fresh cranberry/orange relish and oyster stuffing. This holiday season I know I will walk around Torino missing what I never thought I even cared about, Thanksgiving.
Instead to being down in the dumps about it I’ve decided to make a meme out of it and I’m tagging,
American Girl in Italy,
J. Doe,
Ms. in Italy and
Cynthia. All ex-pats and all have Thanksgiving history I’m sure. The meme is to make your own shallow and genuine list and post it on your blog.
10 Shallow Things I am Thankful For1. The garbage dumpster for my building is right outside the main doors.
2. The hair on my head grows really fast; the ones on my legs grow rather slowly.
3. My small dog has really small poops and has learned to go potty on the terrace.
4. I can eat just about anything without gagging.
5. I am rather tall and can see more things from up here.
6. I am rather crafty.
7. Multi-tasking is not a problem for me. I can brush my teeth and wash my hair at the same time. Just don’t let my sister tell you about the time I was driving, writing a check and putting eyeliner on, all at the same time.
8. When the alarm clock rings, I have an uncanny ability to ignore it.
9. I am ambidextrous.
10. I NEVER get jetlag.
10 Things I Am Genuinely Thankful For1. I have a very large family, parents, step-parents, and 5 great sisters. Lately, we have been trying to become closer knit, writing letters, reading and commenting on one another’s blogs, making phone calls and just trying to connect.
2. I have a great bounty of friends (in Torino and in Seattle) that I can rely on in times of happy and sad.
3. Material things don’t interest me much.
4. The integrity I learned from my dad as a child had stuck with me my entire life and I see no sign of it fading.
5. From my mom and dad I learned how to cook but more importantly how to taste.
6. My parents taught me about sacrifice, hard work and duty to one’s family.
7. My blood pressure is under control and all in all my health is great!
8. I am supporting my husband in his dream to return home, I am a good wife. (99.99% of the time)
9. I have great in-laws that see me as a positive addition to the family.
10. My darling husband, he drives me crazy, makes me mad, challenges me, forces me to learn, makes me laugh but most of all loves me.
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