Another Market Find

The giant furry thing is a lepre, a hare.
The giant feathered things are fagiani, pheasants.
The signs say "Please Do Not Touch" and for the respective prices, you can have your game cleaned and ready for cooking.
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It makes me wish that Carlos was still at the butcher's shop!
Nice talking to you last night. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
Corpodibacco: nobody forces you to like them, but do you eat meat? Now, I can understand a vegetarian saying that he or she is displeased with seeing some meat for sale, but if you eat meat I honestly can't jutify your attitude. The fact that the meat has been cleaned and cut into manageable chunks to make it look a bit less like an animal that had beena live sometimes in the past does not change its nature: it's meat, food. Since you say that you don't like the fact that meat foods are exposed for sale, I just hope that you don't eat any meat or fish.
WOw, those are amazing!
Happy Thanksgiving GG!
HOpe you're well. I swear the Italian butcher shop on Arthur Avenue had a very similar window on Tuesday-the animals hanging and fur still on 'em. And I thought that only happened in Europe.
Onme pojt you got very wriong is that the animals that are likely to have suffered (even wildly) in their life and death are those cows that are turned into nice steaks that you buy once a weeek or less. The hare and pheasants of Gia's photo are product of hunting, they lived a happy and free life until they hit sudden death by bullet.
So, what is the difference between a happy hare that lived her life in liberty until the day it was turned into meat and a beef that spent its whole life being secluded int a too small cage, forcibly fed pulverized bones and drugs to fasten its growth than painfully killed and turned into nice, almost de-naturated steaks?
Hi Gia! I haven't posted in a while...Wow! I have never had hare nor pheasant...wish I could but I don't think they have either here!
BTW, I did almost cry at you post below...very heartfelt :)
Than stop eating meat and fish.
My name is Carla and I'm a spanish girl. I wish a could visit Rome next summer, so i searched Italy in internet. I found your blog :). Congratulations for it, it's really nice! I've been reading for a while (it helps improving my english).
I started a blog with my boyfriend during our summerholiday in the UK (never finished)!!
I also love cooking/eating pasta!
Have a nice day!!
P.S: My "summerblog"
(spanish is similar to italian!!)
I get back form the holidays to find Typesetter and Corpodibacco really duking it out, it's nice to start debates and interesting to hear both points of view. I won't get into it though as I have strong views that support both sides.
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