These are a few older photos of Demetrio. In all of the photos, he is either smoking or a giant pack of roll-it yourself tobacco can be seen in the background. It's been 6 months since he has had a cigarette and I hope it he never starts up again. A few nights ago I had a scary dream. I woke up screaming, "No, No, No!" as I saw him lighting up in bed of all places. Thank goodness it was just a dream.

This November he is planning on running his 4th marathon in Florence. When I ask him whether the smoking cessation has helped him with running, he insinuates that there is no difference. How can that be? Is he just in denial?

All I know is the house smells better, his clothes smell better, there are no more cigarette burns in his clothes, his fingers are now flesh colored and not tobacco stained. All seems to be well and good in our household. I know he did it all for the baby and I am glad.

For the sake of his long term health I hope and pray that he can kick the habit for good. Many people cannot, my dad being one of them, and many people start up again later. With a few more marathons under his belt I wonder if he will ever admit that cigarettes were a detriment to his lungs. All I can say is that I am proud of the fact he has quit this long and wish him luck on the next big run. Plus all this exercise has made him a sexy daddy to be as his jeans are falling off him!
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I just read at Sara's Adventures in IT that you just gave birth to a girl! Congratulations to you both and hope all is well with the little one. Auguri!!!
Hi Gia-Gina, I hope your hubbie is able to kic the habbit. It is hard to find an Italian who does not smoke but for some lucky reason I found one, but of course all his friends smoke. Look forward to hearing how it goes.
ok, i know you just had a baby and all, but lets hear about it already! hehe
AUGURI! Congratulations! She is beautiful!!! Can not wait to hear the story! baci baci!
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