Chiara's Last Few Lessons

Chiara loves to use my watercolor pencils. I explained to her yesterday that my mom will arrive in 2 weeks and our lessons will stop until after the baby is born. Her mom is also pregnant and exactly 1 month behind me so Chiara will have 2 new babies in her life.
Over the past months, we have been talking about whether the babies are a boys or a girls and going over possible names. She is a light in my life. Last week she said "Mamma, ti voglio tanto bene, Zavier anche Gina." "I love Zavier and Gina too." The week before she fell and scraped her knee while walking to my house with her mom. Her mom told her that when they got to my house I would take care of the cut and give her a Band-Aid. Chiara was not worried. When her mom said I was "brava", Chiara added I was also "buona", which means good of heart and a nice person. Now who would not love that?
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So sweet. Mmmmm....I love Italy. It's my favorite country. But I moved to Morocco instead. Did you follow that?
How cute! Aw, I am sure you are going to miss Chiara but you will be pretty busy with your baby. You're in the home stretch now!
Chiara is so cute! The way she pronounced PINK brings back so much memory of my time there with my Italian friends. Hope all is well with you & bub, take care.
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