Monday, September 25, 2006

Name: Gia D. Parsons aka Gina Parsons and Signora D'Ambrosi
Home: Kirkland, WA via Torino, Italy via Seattle via Guam
About Me: I am new mom, a housewife, an ex-expat, blogger, photographer, dog walker, cook, launderess, active reader, good letter writer and a student of the Italian language.
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That's one of those rare "upside down goldfish" I would put it up for sale on ebay.
The fish is not dead but it is sick and has either one of two ailments. Flipover or swim bladder disease. Some fish can live like this for a long time and when not asleep my fish eats and plays with its buddy. Poor guy, I do feel sorry for him though.
ouch, that does look strange. It does look uncomfy :-(
I had a goldfish once wo did that, but he was dead. I don't think it's normal. Are you going to take him to a vet to find out what is wrong?
This very same thing was happening to my husbands angel fish. He researched it online, then went out to the pet shop to get the recommmended medicine, administered it the little guy, and within a week, he was much better. It could also be the pH or alkaline in the water or something like that causing him to get sick. Poor little guy!
I changed the water and fed the fish peas, (this cure from the internet) since peas sink and they don't swallow as much air when they eat sinking food, the fish seems to be much better.
Hello from Norway again - long time no see.
Sorry about your fish. Have you tried moout to mouth recessation?
yikes. hope your fish recovers and the peas help. i've never seen this happen before.
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