Turin Marathon 2006
He's done it again. Deme completed his third marathon today. A full 26.2 miles and 42 kilometers. I did not think he was going to go through with this one since he has had only 6 weeks to really get ready. With the baby coming we have been busying ourselves with organizing and preparing the house and the baby's things. But he proved me wrong and finished it this morning. Not in record time but still he finished. Best time is still the Florence Marathon 2005 which he plans to run again in two months. The baby will be here and so will my mother so maybe he can take off for the weekend without us. I do not think I will be ready to travel, we'll see.
A side note: I think him quitting smoking will help him with future marathons but he still is not convinced it has had much of an effect on his breathing and lung capacity. I guess only time will tell. I am extremely proud of him and not many people can say they have completed three marathons in their lifetimes but my hubby can. Go Demetrio!

Demetrio runs towards the finish line.

He gets this third medal for his third marathon.

He does look tired doesn't he?

This is a post marathon ritual, a nice long soak. Yes, the rubber duckies are included.
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Wow! Congratualtions to Demetrio! I get winded after 5 minutes on the treadmill, so that's quite an accomplishment. I'm sure you will be fine to travel to his next marathon, especially with the help of your mother. Gotta show baby Daddy's big run!
Gia, tell Deme I said Great Job, and more importantly....Great job on quitting SMOKING! I'm sure Sprog will thank him. :) SARA
Congratulations! Hope you don't mind me saying he looks pretty good in that bathtub.
Congrats Demi! Great job! I don't know how he does it! I am tired just looking at the pictures! heheheheheh!
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