Dirt Therapy
I have not posted in more than a week. Things have been busy and I have been concentrating on veronica. Now that June has arrived and the days are longer, we are spending more and more time out on walks and out at my garden in the evenings.
I have been gardening with my dad since I was a small child. I have a great Polaroid dated 1986 that shows me proudly holding a giant cucumber. Our family grew all manner of warm weather crops as a child. Tomatoes, eggplants, yams, cucumbers, mint, chili peppers, melons and many more. We also had countess fruit trees on our property, sugar cane, banana trees, lemons, limes, guava, sweetsop and soursop just to name a few.
The smell of homemade compost, the sight of thick, fat earthworms and the satisfaction of harvesting my own fruits and vegetables are wonderfully fulfilling activities. I learned a lot about gardening from my parents and more when I moved to Seattle.
My news garden patch is a great hobby and diversion. I am part of a community garden that donates produce to a local food bank. I work alongside other kind gardeners who are more than happy to donate their advice and tools to one another. Lately my evenings have been at the garden, pulling weeds, watching my lettuce sprout, and tending my tomatoes. (I do not have any good photos since most of the warm weather plants are still under plastic.) I love the time alone, Veronica is either spending quality time with her papa after he gets home from work or she is already asleep. I get to play in the dirt, get some exercise and really take my stresses out on weeds.
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