Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Name: Gia D. Parsons aka Gina Parsons and Signora D'Ambrosi
Home: Kirkland, WA via Torino, Italy via Seattle via Guam
About Me: I am new mom, a housewife, an ex-expat, blogger, photographer, dog walker, cook, launderess, active reader, good letter writer and a student of the Italian language.
See my complete profile
Previous Posts
- Ice Cream Brawl
- Happy Fathers Day-Ode to Dad
- 60 Years of Vespa
- Lamb Chops with Caramelized Onions
- Teriyaki-ish Tuna
- World Cup Mania
- To Cut or Not to Cut
- To Dust or Not to Dust?
- Noise Pollution
Food Related Links
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- For Clueless Cooks
- Chamorro Recipes
- Slow Food USA
- The Splendid Table
- The Cooks Thesaurus
Other Links
- Our Other Blog
- Sara's Website
- Chris' Website
- Ex-Pats in Italy
- A Friends' B&B in Torino

When I first moved to New Mexico and saw all the motorcycle riders without helmets I thought "Just like Italy. No one follows the helmet law', until I found out that in New Mexico there IS NO helmet law. That plus the high speed at which people drive leads to a lot of accidents and deaths, but, well, the governor here doesn't care. At least the surviving motorcyclists can feel the air in their hair, and they probably vote for him too.
P.S. He's a Democrat though, and doesn't even like Bush
Crazy! No logic, whatsoever.
I guess you can call it survival of the fittest - or weeding out the herd... haha
Those wearing helmets are smart.
Helmet law repealed over here too.
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