Two Words="Cat Arrived"

In his kennel, my sister placed a cat bed, in which someone added shredded paper. Also under the cat bed were several layers of newspaper. When I took Bak-Gai out of the kennel, the shredded paper was soaked and stiff. The cat bed was soaked through and the layers of newspaper were wet and smelly. At this point I burst out crying as I saw his back legs were stained with newsprint from sitting on urine-soaked-paper for who knows how many hours. His usually brilliantly white coat was a bit dingy in places and his head is listing in the photo because he also has a case of ear mites. After he settles down, he'll need a bath.
As he walked out of the kennel, he recognized Zavier right away even after 11 months. Zavier licked his ears and ran to get his ball so they could play. The cat however looked stressed as he roamed from room to room, under the bed and after checking the entire apartment out, he made a beeline for the water dish. After a good drink, he was hungry, which I was glad to see. This afternoon I am taking him to the vet for some fluids in case he is dehydrated, then we will have all weekend to get re-acquainted.
He has lost a total of about 2-3 pounds over the past 11 months and I place to give him tons of TLC so he can get strong again. I even bought his favorite meat today, beef liver and kidneys. I cannot thank my sister enough for taking care of him this past year. She tried and tried to make him comfortable but he just never fully adjusted. Now that he is here with me, I feel like a giant weight has been lifted off my shoulders and those of my sister. Thank You Kentra, I will never forget your help this past year and I will remember your support forever!

It's obvious Zavier recognized the cat.

Poor Bak-Gai looked happy to see clean, fresh water.

Zavier tries out the cat's new bed.

I have never been so happy to see a cat going to the bathroom. I stole this line from Cyndi but it echos how I felt.
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Hi Gia,
I happened to check your blog today and I'm really happy for you that Bak Gai has arrived safely. He is such a beautiful cat!
Hooray! Finally. Bak Gai has such pretty eyes.
I'm happy to see your kitty looking good! I know you're relieved to see him. It's good that both Bak Gai and Zavier get along so well. I'm sure it won't take long for Bak Gai to settle in. Great pictures!
Benvenuto a Torino Bak Gai!! Thank goodness he's home safe....
How wonderful! Your baby is home :). Even though he probably had a rough experience on the way over, he made it back to you in one piece and now, he should heal properly with lots of TLC.
Oh..and the photo of Zavier humping the cat is HILARIOUS!
I am so glad your kitty is home! poor little thing. I burst out laughing when I saw the pic with zavier! eheheheeh
Glad he arrived safely. Looks and sounds like everyone is happy now!
I was so happy to see your post tonight! I wanted to call you today, but I was in Bologna. Now I am tired and heading to bed. Will chat later. Glad to know your baby is home, safe and sound. Hope he recovers from all of this soon. It took my cats a week of living under the bed, but now they are as happy as clams! Welcome home Bak Gai!
Yay for Bak Gai! Glad to see he has safely arrived with you and his old doggie friend (nice picture!). I know you feel a thousand times better having him safe with you, especially after a harrowing couple of days!
Thanks everyone for checking in and for your support. I am glad he is okay. Now I will have to deal with Delta and see how they plan to fix the situation. I was not going to make a big fuss the first time he was left but the SECOND! Now I am going to raise hell with them.
What a beutiful cat! Benvenuti in Italia Bak Gai! I hope you do raise a lot of hell with Delta.
Good luck with your "negotiations" with Delta. They totally suck. I really dislike them, because their customer service is truly sub-par. Now, one more reason for me to boycott them. I feel your frustration and I hope that you get some type of compensation from Delta. It is only right on their part to re-imburse you the pet carrier/transport fee, in my mind!
Gina you are doing all the right have been highly responsible, and your "one at a time" plan is the right way to go. It's so hard to see our aging cats go through this process of kidney disease, but it sounds like he's eating, snoring, playing with zavey, and pooping like a pretty happy boy. And the getting very thin -- the changes with age, it's pretty much the norm. It does not mean necessarily that he's feeling bad. I bet he's so happy to see you all...take as much comfort as you can in having him together with you, Deme, and Zavey.
So glad that your cat is here in Italy finally! Welcome, Bak Gai! Have a good weekend getting readjusted--like Cyndi's cats, I'm sure Bak Gai will feel at home soon. Love the pic of Zavier and Bak Gai! :)
That's just wonderful, Gia! Unconscionable treatment by Delta, but in the end...
I am worried about you, my dear. Zavier is not exactly playing with the cat, you know. You do know, right? Can I stop worrying?
Your dog is a bit anxious for some kitty lovin eh? haha. Glad your cat made it home safe. I feel guilty when I do find Trench soaked from his URINE. (happened twice when I was too drunk to wake up and take him out of his kennel for his morning walks) Glad she made it home safe. She's beautiful
GIA, WHAT GREAT NEWS !!! That really must feel like a very late, but the very best Christmas present indeed. I am happy that your cat now is with you and you do not have to feel guilty any more. I can understand you 1000 %. Much love from angelika (and gino)
For my part everybody ought to glance at this.
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