From all the Slow Food stickers I saw on the door of this osteria I knew it was going to be good; it's just a hop, skip and a jump from the Rialto Bridge too. Be prepared to be wowed by the delicious bites (crostini) you will be able to sample here. We had aperitif here twice in three days. In this small osteria it is standing room only with no tables inside and only four tiny ones outside. It was hard to maneuver with the baby but we did it! There is a long bar in which you crowd up to and either point out what you would like to eat. If you know a Venetian (and we do) ask for the musetto caldo (a tiny toasted bun with a kind of sausage (much like a cotechino) you can have them plain and with mustard.) My favorite were the crostini with the baccala' mantecato, the little sardines breaded and fried then cooked with a sweet and sour sauce with raisins, the giant shrimp crostini with just a dab of balsamic vinegar and freshly sliced artichoke hearts. Need I say more?
Thank You to Francesca our Venetian friend and to Shilpa who introduced us to her. We are a great team and hope there are more food adventures to come.
All'ArcoS. Polo 436
Calle de L'Ochialer
Closed Sundays
Tel: +39 041 520 6600
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