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Gia-Gina Across the Pond

So I've decided to follow my husband to his native Italy. Follow our adventures as we eat, drink, travel, adapt to and explore this remarkable country. Part food blog, part photo blog but mostly my rants and raves. After our two years in Italy, we relocated across the Atlantic "pond" and are back in the States.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Gina, The Wonderful

This essay by a child (he's not a child any longer, Jamie is now going on 14) I was a former nanny to. It got me really choked up and I had to ask for his permission before I posted it. He said "yes" and so here it is. I personally cringed when I read "Italian lover".

Gina, the wonderful

Gina was my babysitter from ages 3- 11. She took over for my old babysitter Dagne who moved to Oregon (but later moved back to Seattle and who was best friends with Gina….) Gina was the perfect babysitter. Normally taking care of the four of us; my sister and me and our friends Danny and Rachel, she did what most people could not, control us. Sophie (my sister) and Rachel were usually well behaved, but Danny and I were all over the place. Most of the time, we had to walk on either side of Gina holding her hand so that we wouldn’t laugh, talk or in any other way cause mischief. For the first couple months we took to calling Gina, Doc-Gina. Since we were used to saying Dagne, when Gina was around we got confused (you should have heard us when they were both around). Doc-Gina mastered the art of mass cleaning/taking care of kids. There were the one minute baths, perfect dinners, homework time; in which Gina would go around the various homework places helping people study (with Danny and I usually in separate rooms.) Gina was a blessing to our family. With Gina around, everyone excelled in school and, because Gina would have it no other way, had well rounded lives. When you wanted to throw a baseball around with Gina she was available. It wasn’t the type of thing where she only half tried to catch the ball; Gina, being very competitive, always gave you her best. That was the thing I liked most about Gina, she gave me a challenge, yet someone to go back to. She was that soft pillow in your bed, it was challenging to situate, but once you had the pillow situated, it’s perfect.

It all started when Gina started dating Demetrio, her Italian lover. We all thought he was stuck up and mean to kids, but somehow Gina saw a different side to him. We all felt betrayed because Gina was spending more time with him than us. They had been dating for about a year when they took a surprise trip to Las Vegas. We all thought this was alright, and we didn’t think that anything would happen. Then Gina did the most un-Gina like thing ever: Gina who was organized and had to have everything planned, Gina who hated spontaneity, got married. They got married at a drive through chapel in Las Vegas. They sent us pictures and we were all shocked. At first we thought they were kidding, like an April Fools Day joke, but then we realized that they were serious. We all felt as though we lost our friend, she was no longer ours, she was his now. We had to live with the new Gina. She was a bit happier, but she was less excited about work. It was as if she had lost all interest in us, the kids, we were just another brick in the wall.

We had finally accepted Gina and Demetrio when the big hit came, they were moving to Italy. “They’re moving…to Italy?” I questioned meekly when my mom told me. A bitter taste came to my mouth and lump in my throat. I couldn’t believe what my ears were telling me. When Gina told us the next day it only worsened, I knew that I would have to live with it, but not now, I couldn’t take it now. Over time I accepted it, and she has been in Italy for about 2 years now and is about to have her first baby. There is still a hole where Gina should be in my life, but my childhood Gina is gone.

All contents copyright 2004-2006.
All rights reserved.

It's About Time

Hurray for Animals in Italy. See this article.

All contents copyright 2004-2006.
All rights reserved.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

The Venice Marathon

The Venice Marathon is tomorrow. Deme went off to Venice to run it with Enzo and I am staying at home with Veronica and my mom. It will be his third marathon this year and the only one that I have not been to. So I hope he gets Enzo to take some photos of him at the finish line.

UPDATE: A record time: 4 hours and 25 minutes! Yipee! I am sure he will be ready for Florence in November. We could not be more proud.

All contents copyright 2004-2006.
All rights reserved.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

A Happy Holiday

We will be taking a break from this blog for a week or so. To read Veronica's birth story, click here. Demetrio will be updating his web page until I am back in full blogging form.

Thank you everyone for the wonderful support, comments, well wishes and emails. We are as happy as clams as we watch our baby girl change and grow by the day. See our other blog for updates.

All contents copyright 2004-2006.
All rights reserved.

Friday, October 13, 2006

Zavier Warhol

He is so photogenic.

All contents copyright 2004-2006.
All rights reserved.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

It's a Girl

See this link for photos. Click on Photos and Photos 2 for a quick tour of her first and second days of life. Deme put the page together overnight and he did a great job.

All contents copyright 2004-2006.
All rights reserved.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Utter Denial?

These are a few older photos of Demetrio. In all of the photos, he is either smoking or a giant pack of roll-it yourself tobacco can be seen in the background. It's been 6 months since he has had a cigarette and I hope it he never starts up again. A few nights ago I had a scary dream. I woke up screaming, "No, No, No!" as I saw him lighting up in bed of all places. Thank goodness it was just a dream.
This November he is planning on running his 4th marathon in Florence. When I ask him whether the smoking cessation has helped him with running, he insinuates that there is no difference. How can that be? Is he just in denial? All I know is the house smells better, his clothes smell better, there are no more cigarette burns in his clothes, his fingers are now flesh colored and not tobacco stained. All seems to be well and good in our household. I know he did it all for the baby and I am glad.
For the sake of his long term health I hope and pray that he can kick the habit for good. Many people cannot, my dad being one of them, and many people start up again later. With a few more marathons under his belt I wonder if he will ever admit that cigarettes were a detriment to his lungs. All I can say is that I am proud of the fact he has quit this long and wish him luck on the next big run. Plus all this exercise has made him a sexy daddy to be as his jeans are falling off him!

All contents copyright 2004-2006.
All rights reserved.

Friday, October 06, 2006

Chiara's Last Few Lessons

Chiara loves to use my watercolor pencils. I explained to her yesterday that my mom will arrive in 2 weeks and our lessons will stop until after the baby is born. Her mom is also pregnant and exactly 1 month behind me so Chiara will have 2 new babies in her life.

Over the past months, we have been talking about whether the babies are a boys or a girls and going over possible names. She is a light in my life. Last week she said "Mamma, ti voglio tanto bene, Zavier anche Gina." "I love Zavier and Gina too." The week before she fell and scraped her knee while walking to my house with her mom. Her mom told her that when they got to my house I would take care of the cut and give her a Band-Aid. Chiara was not worried. When her mom said I was "brava", Chiara added I was also "buona", which means good of heart and a nice person. Now who would not love that?

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Her English comprehension is very good but to get to speak takes a bit of coaxing.

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Wednesday, October 04, 2006

More Driving Lessons and Questions

I have no problems driving in Italy. I am not afraid of other drivers and am confidant on the motorway and in the city. Small-unpaved roads in the hills and towns of Italy though sometimes dangerous are navigate-able. With the back-up assist we have on our car, parking in tight spaces is manageable. What I am afraid of is the WRITTEN test that I have to take before getting my drivers license.

Here are two sample questions. I think the wording is tricky; the goal is to identify the True and False statements accurately. Can you make it out? Try your hardest then look at the answer.

Question 1=False
Question 2=True
Question 3=True

This ones seems more straightforward or is it?

Question 1=True
Question 2=False
Question 3=False

P.S. I almost forgot to thank Laurie for getting me the quiz book in English. "You are the best L!"

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