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Gia-Gina Across the Pond

So I've decided to follow my husband to his native Italy. Follow our adventures as we eat, drink, travel, adapt to and explore this remarkable country. Part food blog, part photo blog but mostly my rants and raves. After our two years in Italy, we relocated across the Atlantic "pond" and are back in the States.

Friday, July 27, 2007

A New Prediction

I've been thinking about this more and more and I don't think that I can keep this blog up after the new baby is born. My life as an American ex-pat living in Italy seemed somewhat glamorous as the world has always been and will always be in love with "La Bella Vita." (I've checked my stat counter and readership has gone down.)

The truth is I love my life here but it doesn't make for very interesting blog. Who wants to read about us remodeling our condo and other such mundane things. I think my blog was much more enticing when I moaned and groaned about the differences between America and Italy and documented all the changes and new discoveries I encountered each and every day.

I will however keep the blog about our family life as our friends from around the world as well as my five sisters and extended family seem to enjoy seeing photos of Veronica reading about her goings-on.

This blog sustained me when I lived in Italy. It helped me reach out to new friends everywhere and so shutting it down will be bittersweet. I'm not sure exactly when I will stop posting but I suspect it will be within the next two to four months. I've enjoyed reading about other ex-pats in Italy in meeting their acquaintances and I thank everyone for all the support I have received over the past two and half years. Grazie Mille tutti!

All contents copyright 2004-2007.
All rights reserved.

More Work Ahead

The end is near…(Our four-month stay at our temporary apartment is just about over.) Our tenants are finally moving out at the end of the month. They purchased a new condo and are finishing up some work inside. We, on the other hand have a lot to do to the place before we can move in. Our condo is over 20 years old and has never been remodeled. Demetrio’s old bachelor pad needs quite a bit of updating, (he paid a lot of attention to cars, motorcycles and clothes but not much to the condo while he was living there.) Everyone under the sun is telling us that our budget is too small. Having guests, being in charge of the remodeling, being pregnant and having Veronica are all stressing me out beyond comprehension. I am also a bit ticked off that Deme decided to take a 4 day trip to NY this week. The babysitter has been an gem, she’s been taking car of Veronica three days in the row, 4 hours at a time so I can visit tile and flooring stores and spend time with Tia.

Giordano is safely back in Rome, Tia leaves next week, I have an intense month of remodeling to do then we are back in our condo. I am looking forward to getting our things out of storage ($28/day) and having a place to hang my hat for at least 6+ months. With the new baby arriving in 2-3 months, I am ready to begin nesting.

Some really old kitchen cabinets that really have to go.

All contents copyright 2004-2007.
All rights reserved.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Us in Tahoe

Here are a few of the best photos from our Reno/Tahoe trip. We had a great time and the kids were especially well behaved. I guess this means we won't mind having them over again next year.

Giordano and Tia shared a kayak for 30 minutes on Lake Tahoe. Giordano looked comfortable in the water but Tia is a natural. She splashed him a few times but he is a good sport and did not complain too much.

Not a great picture since it was taken with a disposable camera (I forgot mine) but we took the Heavenly Gondola up to two stations that had great views of the lake.

At the second station there was a restaurant, a bar, lots of hiking trails and a rock wall in which Giordano decided to try and tackle. He climbed to the top with no problem at all.

Here Giordano climbs some real boulders.

Here Demetrio shoots a few rifles at Frenchman's, with the Baby Bjorn on. (No Veronica is not in the Baby Bjorn, I would have killed him.)

All contents copyright 2004-2007.
All rights reserved.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Back From Reno (With Observations)

*Beginning of Rant-Never ever again will I take another Alaska/Horizon flight. I booked three flights with them in the past 2 weeks and all three were at least an hour and a half late.-*End of Rant

Well we are all safely back from an 8-day trip to Reno. It was the first time I have been back to Nevada since Deme and I were married. It was hot, hot, hot with temps. in the high 80's and low 90's. My sister and her BF bought a house with 1.5 acres of land complete with tumbleweeds, jackrabbits, quails and lots of sand. My skin dried out, my nose bled a bit but I did enjoy the sun and dry weather. We foolishly went camping for 1 day, (I cut the trip short) but Veronica did not like sleeping in the tent and I did not like having to use the great outdoors as my toilet at 5.5 months along.

Observations about Reno:

1. There weren't very many young people to be seen around town. I am guessing all the 20 something’s were in bigger towns for school or work.

2. Some of the best "food for money" deals were to be had at casinos and yes we ate either dinner or lunch at a casino every other day. We had great sushi, all you can eat seafood, raw oysters and more.

3. Reno had some great Chinese food.

4. Reno was dry and very brown all over. My sister kept reminding me that she lives in a desert. I kept forgetting.

5. The casinos were full of retired folks on oxygen tanks. It was sad, sad and sadder.

Besides all the gambling that we saw, in the grocery stores, in the airport etc... I would say we had a nice vacation. Anna and Adam made us feel really welcome. Adam put together an extra bathroom and they both installed central air conditioner to make us feel more comfortable. After all that sun, coming back to rainy 68-degree weather was not fun.

Photos to follow very soon!

All contents copyright 2004-2007.
All rights reserved.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Another Vacation?

Umberto and Irene left this morning. Tia is in Reno (with my other sister) until the house seems quite empty today as it is just to Veronica and I. Giordano went with Demetrio to "Take Your Daughter and Sons to Work Day". I hoped to be able to see Laurie and her new baby before we head off to Reno early this evening.

Everyone is telling me that I'm crazy to go camping in the middle of the desert while being five months pregnant. My sister Anna assures me she has found a very comfortable camp site which is shaded and not too hot, this is the only reason why I am going since attempts in Reno in the high 90s and low 100s. After Reno we all (5 of us) come back to Seattle, Giordano leaves the following week and Tia leaves the week after. You would think we would not get a break right? Nope, we have to remodel our condo then get 300+ boxes unpacked. Help???

Brother and sister at dinner two nights ago. Irene had a jalapeno popper and almost passed out from the heat.

All contents copyright 2004-2007.
All rights reserved.

Friday, July 06, 2007

Playing Tourist with Tia and Giordano

More photos of the kids and I playing tourist around town. So far, we have been to the Science Center, Zoo, Aquarium, a baseball game at Safeco Field, Game Works, to Snoqualmie Falls etc... The kids have played games together, been reading books, been on a power boat (thanks to Dagne and Brandt) and been having tons of fun. We really enjoy having the kids around. Both kids are helpful with Veronica and with chores around the house. (They take the dog out for walks, they take out the garbage and recycling as well as loading and unloading the dishwasher, even without asking.)

Tia with her hand in the tide pool.

Giordano with his hand in the tide pool.

Who has a bigger head Tia or the giant octopus?

The giant octopus' head is definitely bigger than Giordano's.

Tia and I are undersea explorers.

After the aquarium the kids went to an arcade to play a few rounds of air hockey.

All contents copyright 2004-2007.
All rights reserved.

Sunday, July 01, 2007

A Fun Filled Week

Let's see where do I begin? Irene, Umberto and Giordano arrived a week ago. Their luggage was lost for a day then recovered and delivered to the apartment. Thanks Delta Airlines!

We immediately signed Giordano up for intensive private English lessons at the local Berlitz office near us and he is taking lessons 4 times a week at 9 am(2.25 hours a day) for about a month. He is doing well and tries his best to speak with Tia in English. They play games together and do little chores around the apartment together. With the lessons over in the morning we have time to have lunch together before we head out for the afternoon. We are playing tourist and have been all over the city.

We wanted to take Irene, Umberto and Giordano out to eat good Japanese and Chinese while they were here and everyone was up to the challenge. Giordano tried sashimi and seaweed salad at the Japanese restaurant and Irene tried chicken feet and jellyfish at dim sum. They were all very adventurous. Umberto is not a fish eater but he liked edamame, seaweed salad and chicken teriyaki.

So far so good. Irene and Umberto decided to take off for Canada so they could do a bit of exploring on their own. We don't know when we'll see them again but hope they make memories while they are on their road trip.

The fantastic veiw from Highland Park.

Giordano finally masters chopsticks.

Irene needs more practice with her chopsticks and takes lessons from Giordano.

All contents copyright 2004-2007.
All rights reserved.