Mother of All Steaks
Once in a while someone tells you a tall tale that you just cannot believe. When Deme first told me about a place outside of Rome (about 20-30 minutes), near Fregene, that serves great meat from a giant free-for-all type of meat case; so great that the special is called "The Intervento" which is loosely translated at the "intervention" or "the surgery", I told him I had to see it for myself. I should trust my husband once in a while.

There is the very large meat case in which you are supposed to head over to, pick out the cut of meat you want, decide on how big you want your portion to be and tell them how you want it cooked. If you tell them you want it "well done", you might be laughed out of the place but most likely you'll receive a steak that is somewhat medium to medium well done. (They also serve great dry spice rubbed pork ribs and sausages.)

Your slab of meat is removed from the case, chopped and hacked into portion sizes right before your eyes and then placed in a plate, ready for the grill.

There really is nothing like having your meat cooked on over a wood fired grill. I won't dare to say the meat here rivals the meat in Florence but it comes a bit close.

This is Deme's steak, being preggers, I only had a few sausages, as this is my second time here and the first time I had a nice bloody one. We were not the only ones taking photos of our food. Romans, Italians and tourists from all over flock to this restaurant for a nice, thick, juicy and very tasty cut of meat.
This place is a really fun laid-back dining experience, very informal. In fact, we don't ever really ask for the menu. We just ask for a few sides, like slow braised beans, chicory, roasted potatoes, mushrooms and wait until the meat is ready. When the waiter comes over with your order, he screams out your table number then hands you your meat. There are no formalities here, another great thing is that they have plenty of parking out front and a decent restroom.
Da Baffone
Via della Muratella, 627
Tel. +39 06.667 8068
Closed Tuesdays and Fridays
***They have their own website and it is hilarious.
All contents copyright 2004-2006.
All rights reserved.
Sounds like a great place, a little magic to it also.
I tried the website link but it just comes up blank. I was unsuccessful even goggling it.
I saw the website. It is truly funny. Will have to check this one out.
Hi Gina! I have sent you an email some weeks ago but haven't received an answer... maybe it did not arrive? anyway, I'm from the Netherlands but have also spent considerable time in the US (LA mostly)... and now I live in Torino!
I just arrived one month ago and am settling in quite nicely. I also saw your posts on the website... maybe we can hang out some time? Or did you already move to Rome? anywa, hope to hear from you!
Did he roared right before bitting on that chunk of red meat? lol
Ewwww .... that's a hunka-hunka meat! Did you have a stomach ache after eating??
Very excited to hear about you possibly moving to Roma. I remember you mentioning that awhile back. I hope it works out for you. Does land and home values increase like it does here in the states? If so, then it's a solid investment. Were else can you earn that sort of profit??
Good luck, dear.
oh man! Thats the best! you cant find meat like that on GUAM!
I linked to the website succesfully as have a few other people. Maybe you could try again at another time. It is definitely on Google, that is where I found it.
I am traveling quite a bit this summer but sent you an email, so we can meet sometime.
I know even you thought "the surgery" was a tall tale.
You and your wife have got to get over here. We might be back to Guam with the baby in March or April 2007 to see my parents. Hope to meet you then.
Ciao everyone and thanks for reading and all the thoughful comments.
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