
If you have someone to mail you some haupia ready-to-make Hawaiian pudding mix, then count your lucky stars. My sister Gia, (yes, she and I have the same first name and it's a long story, recently sent me a care package with cookies from Guam (Deme called them dog biscuits), 2 boxes of haupia mix, and some whole wheat bulghur. The ready-to-make mix is incredibly simple to make, just mix with water, boil and cool. It is a cinch to prepare. If you can't get your hands on the ready-to-make mix, you can always make the pudding from scratch. I found a recipe here.

The finished pudding is solid, like an opaque Jell-O. The creamy and delicious coconut flavor comes through and through. Sometimes I don't let the pudding cool and while it is still creamy I pour it over ice cream and add a few flakes of toasted coconut. Another idea is to serve the chilled pudding with diced mangoes and/or other tropical fruit.
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This looks really strange, but when you describe it, it sounds pretty good!
This looks so good! My husband may get deployed to Guam so he definitely would have to pick me up some of this! I love anything coconut =)
Ready-mix or no, you know I love this stuff. But eyeing those halved coconuts in the background brought back memories of eating fresh, young, coconut meat straight off the tree...s-o-o-o-o good!
I told Demetrio that when he finally heads to Guam for a visit, I will show him how to open a young coconut with a machete and drink the coconut water. Then with a spoon scoop out the soft flesh inside. BTW I can do this in about 5 minutes.
Never heard of that before but it sure does look yummy!
Hope you are staying cool... take long soaks in a cool bath!
It looks good, but I'm not sure I'll find this product in Italy...
Was this brand particularly good? I can send more to Kentra for Deme to pick up on his next trip to Seattle (some for you and some for your Italian friends). The $20 postage to send $10 worth of foodstuffs was astronomical!
Gia, you are right the cost was crazy, but we are headed to Seattle after the baby and so I will grad some there. Also I want to try to make some from scratch and compare.
Gia-gina, I love coconut and your haupia looks delicious. I currently live on Guam and I will try and find it. In regards to the Bulghur, have you not been able to find it in Italy? Before we came here we lived in Germany for a number of years and it was very easy to find Bulghur in the numerous Turkish stores. I would imagine they have Turkish or Arabic stores somewhere in the larger towns/cities. This could save you bunches of money since it weighs a ton.
omg! i love haupia! i shoulda made it for u last time u visited! one of my favorite ice creamz is haupia flavor...mmmmmm
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