Un-Met Expectations
Everyone knows that remodeling is a pain in the butt. Nothing is ever done on time. Nothing is ever done within the set budget. None of your expectations are ever met. I have been through quite a history of remodels with the families that I've worked with when I was a nanny.
For a week I had to cook on a camping stove when the promised kitchen was not ready in time.
Once when a bathroom was not "attached" to the plumbing and a child "went", only to have the contents fall from the second story bathroom right into the middle of the first floor living room. Yuck!
One family moved three times in 5 months while their home was being remodeled.
This weekend was the pits, the new closets we're having put in were missing some brackets and they are on back order. Ugh! Plus two shelves were crooked.
The tile guy is two days behind schedule.
The painter is a week behind schedule which delays the electrician.
The flooring guys only have half of the bamboo flooring that I need at this time, the rest will come in about 1-2 weeks! Damn!
It took one cabinet guy over three weeks to come over and measure for the new cabinets.
I hate it when things are promised and not delivered. I pay on time and so I expect the work to be done on time. Is that too much to ask?
Project still pending:
Demolishing the new kitchen, new windows, new front door, new appliances....
Photos to come soon.
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