Man Pants
When I first arrived in Italy, there were many things I had to get used to. ORANGE pants on men is still something that catches my eye, along with white jeans, (Don Johnston of Miami Vice called and he wants his jeans back), RED pants, and LIME green pants. These colors seem to really be stylish right now. In fact after a year of looking for the right pair, Deme succumb and got two pairs of his own, a BRICK pair and a TANGERINE pair. I must say they look nice on him but they are BRIGHT!

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I noticed this fashion trend for men too. My landlord has a pair of tangerine colored pants that he wears quite a bit. (Not sure if he has more than one pair or wears the same one over and over again). I think it is refreshing that the men are not afraid to wear BRIGHT colors.
this cracks me up! i just posted the other day about a friend of ours who has a pair of bright orange pants. he wore them to our wedding in the states, and now he is known as 'the guy who has orange pants' by my American friends! Our wedding photographer even took photos of him during the wedding--he was oblivious to the reason WHY she would only take pictures of his pants and his orange shoes... oh well! strange Italian trends!
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