Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Name: Gia D. Parsons aka Gina Parsons and Signora D'Ambrosi
Home: Kirkland, WA via Torino, Italy via Seattle via Guam
About Me: I am new mom, a housewife, an ex-expat, blogger, photographer, dog walker, cook, launderess, active reader, good letter writer and a student of the Italian language.
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But, how did it taste? Was is more expensive then beef, pork, poultry or fish?
And what exactly do you season a horse steak with? Looks like a pork chop on the stove.
I ate horse meat at a restaurant here in Turin once before and it tasted strong. All the meat here tastes strong and great actually, not watered down. The animals here eat grass not grain before they are slaughtered.
Basically you cook horse like beef, salt, pepper and grill/sautee. Sometimes it is served with a pan sauce or gravy.
Look at the bottom of the meat package, the cost was 5,71 Euros.
How does the price of horse meat COMPARE to fish, beef, pork and poultry? I can't see the prices for the other items myself so you'll have to tell me.
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What is 5,71 ??? that's not even 3 decimal places before the comma. How much is 5,71 Euros anyway? and be sure to ask the butcher to take the ciggarette out of his mouth before he announce the price of beef, pork and chicken. The ashes tend to fall into the meat...I've seen this firsthand.'s the city in general taking the ill health of the Pope?
Pope also called PaPa is very ill. Listen I don't make the rules. 5,71 is how they write currency here. Examples....
1,000.00=one thouusand (USA) In Italy it's 1.000,00. Don't ask me why. The exchange rate changes daily but 5,71 Euros is about $7.00. The price of horse meat is about the same price is pork. Some cuts of meat here cost a lot more than others though like filet mignon.
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