Monday, March 28, 2005

Name: Gia D. Parsons aka Gina Parsons and Signora D'Ambrosi
Home: Kirkland, WA via Torino, Italy via Seattle via Guam
About Me: I am new mom, a housewife, an ex-expat, blogger, photographer, dog walker, cook, launderess, active reader, good letter writer and a student of the Italian language.
See my complete profile
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- The sophisticated country farmer
- The steps that lead to the Piazza Grande
- Pottery for sale
- Medieval wares from Gubbio
- 800 year old bricks
- A half-eaten Colomba loaf. This is traditional Ea...
- Demetrio receives a large chocolate egg and a loaf...
- Milk and dark chocolate ducks and bunnies
- A long morning at the Questura di Torino
- A copy of my application, that I have to keep with...
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Are you sure you're not on top of Mount Jumullong Manglo in Manengon Hills? We got crosses up there too ;)
Around the south, large crosses are erected. Then on Easter, purples sashes are draped over the crosses. There is one church on my way to work that has covered the entire surface of the cross with fresh flowers. It's quite beautiful. It's probably about 20 feet tall.
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