"The Cook Next Door"
Thanks for inviting me to participate in this forum. Here are my answers, I am following your directions. Thanks also for asking about my guests, they are cute and I know I will grow to adore them. So far we are still strangers but it will change soon. Take care.
1. What is your first memory of baking/cooking on your own?
Growing up Chinese I did not have an oven and my first real project was to “bake” sugar cookies on a hot plate lined with aluminum foil; I was 6-7 yrs. old at the time. I just flipped them like pancakes but I did not like the brown on both sides, not cooked in the middle results and then gave up until we got an oven, I when I was 13.
2. Who had the most influence on your cooking?
My housewife mother was a fantastic cook but even she learned from my dad who was an Iron Chef in the making back in 1975.
3. What are your most valued or used kitchen gadgets and/or what was the biggest letdown? I love my food mill, lemon reamer, XOXO vegetable peeler, my extra large wok and I bet I use my cheap 2.99 Kiwi Brand Chinatown knife at least 5 times a day.
4. Do you have an old photo as "evidence" of an early exposure to the culinary world?
No, none to speak of at all.
5.Mageircophobia - do you suffer from any cooking phobia, a dish that makes your palms sweat?
I get a bit nervous when I have to deal with soufflés, when they fall, crack and flop, the disappointment wrecks my day. Maybe this is why I have not made one in a long, long, while.
6. Name some funny or weird food combinations/dishes you really like - and probably no one else!
I mix pesto and red sauce; I love ketchup and banana ketchup on everything, eggs, baked beans, meats, and of course French fries.
7. What are the three eatables or dishes you simply don't want to live without?
Veggies, I love all kinds equally, fruits, again love all kinds equally and good, aromatic, jasmine rice from Thailand or Vietnam.
Three quickies:
.Your favorite ice-cream: has to be coffee
.You probably never eat: I don’t eat very many innards and organ meat anymore.
.Your own signature dish: my fried rice, Cantonese style.
I'm trying to cook fried rice again next saturday...can you please give me some tips?
The kids look great, I hope they're having a good time.
I am back in Rome for the summer because of work. Funny to say, but I am missing Germany at the moment! Maybe I'm just going mad!!
A presto
Actually, Dad admits that Mom is the better cook...the only input he gave her were his personal preferences...which is what we grew up with.
I had no idea dad ever made a comment like that. Both are great cooks tho', from the sound of things, dad is a bit more expeimental.
I wouldn't say mom was a housewife after 1975. Well, maybe that's inaccurate. I don't think she could be considered a house wife when Dad started his own shop. She ran errands and worked in the office, made his lunches in addition to picking the kids up from school, caring for us and cooking for us. Just my two cents.
Sis you are right but I am a housewife and I do more things in the house and for the house and about the house than the old American 50's and 60's definitions of housewives. Your two cents are on the money.
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