X-mas in Roma
I think I better explain one of the photos below. I received a warm and fuzzy cashmere sweater from my in-laws as well as a bra and panty set and leather wallet. All over Rome there were billboards and ads for a company called Intimissi, and this holiday, like Victoria Secret and others, they had wonderful festive holiday underwear for sale. Mine were red with black candies all over them. My mother in law bought me a medium in the panty and a 32A in the bra size and that just did not fit. She is nice and hopeful though, at least I did not get a large and a 38C. The sweater fit just perfectly and is the softest thing I have ever owned, very nice.
Since my leather wallet has been falling apart, I was eyeing the shops for another one when Demetrio kept discouraging me and complaining that my choices were ugly, I knew there might be one under my stocking this X-mas and I was right. When I first opened the box I asked my in laws if it might be an ovulation kit, they laughed and said that they were hopeful but would let nature take its course. Upon finding out that my family had a serious outflux of twins, called gemelli, in Italian, my mother in law has been giddy with joy and excitement. She wants one with black hair and blue eyes (who doesn't) and a blonde one with green eyes. I was sad to have to inform her that it was statistically impossible, me being 100% Chinese. After talking to my mom , she dropped the hint that maybe I could drop on of the twins off on the island for her to raise and although I think I turned out okay, I really don't fancy seeing my child on the front page of the Pacific Daily News as "Top Dog" in the annual dog show (with a pillow or slipper in his/her mouth nonetheless.)