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Gia-Gina Across the Pond

So I've decided to follow my husband to his native Italy. Follow our adventures as we eat, drink, travel, adapt to and explore this remarkable country. Part food blog, part photo blog but mostly my rants and raves. After our two years in Italy, we relocated across the Atlantic "pond" and are back in the States.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Self Portrait Posted by Hello


At 7:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Gia! Tuck a plumeria behind your ear and one could imagine that you took that pic on an island beach out in the middle of the Pacific ocean!

Being that you like to cook, I hope you are considering to post some recipes in the future. The only person that I know of from Guam that writes a food blog is Santos of 'scent of green bananas' although I think she splits her time between Guam and LA. To tell the truth, I've never cooked red rice and it sounds interesting!

At 8:24 AM, Blogger Eulinx said...

I am trying to quit smoking too and I swear it's very hard. I have been trying with nicotine chewing-gums, but sometimes it's really hard to resist a cigarette.
I agree with you, though, that smoking in the car is really annoying, especially for non-smokers.

To answer yuor questions, I am from Rome, I used to be a secretary there. I live in Germany since August 2004 and I am self-learning the language. It is a very hard language and very different from italian. I try to go out alone as much as possible, so that I am forced to speak and understand. I try to watch tv a lot and buy myself magazines that I can read. My useful trick is to learn at least 1 word per day and write it down in an agenda so that I can have a fast recall every now and then.
Homesickness I fight it with telephone, Skype over the internet (quite cheaper!) and emails. And the blog in this has also helped a lot.
Are you planning to move to Rome one day?

Ciao e a presto!


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